Ahente Santos

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sell Yourself Because People Buy People

Sell Yourself Because People Buy People

 People Buy People 

      If you have been in sales for a while then I am sure you would have heard the phrase “people buy people.”   This is still the case probably even more so then ever and will probably always remain true. The world is moving and changing so fast that people have less and less time. This equates to needing to make quick decisions, if they are going to pursue your proposition or not.

Customers will constantly be evaluating your skills, nature as a person and can you deliver on what you say. Solutions are broadening and you may sometimes find yourself in a position, where your competitor’s product is better or cheaper. This does not mean that you have lost the sale because you cannot compete, actually far from it. It just means you need to be more convincing as a person. People buy people they don’t buy products.

Each sales situation is different and you must get creative to Win. Remember in sales there are no prizes for second, you either win the deal or take away your learning’s to improve for next time.

Here is an easy to do yet powerful-intuitive system 
that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills

 Build Relationships 

We need to build relationships because the better we get to know how someone operates. The better we can adjust to fit in to their personality. Sale’s is about constantly tweaking yourself to get in sync with your customer. People like people who are like them and interested in similar things. People also like to talk about themselves. So play this to your advantage ask questions and let them show you, who they are so you can adjust to suit.
In building relationships you will be told things that won’t be on offer to your competitor. If you can get to this stage you will find out things like what price is offered. Why they prefer your offer or what they don’t like about the other proposition. This insight is very powerful as you are now in the box seat and you have created a sponsor. Meaning you now have a prospect that wants to buy from you, for numerous reasons. Everything has changed now you are not seen as selling anymore, you are seen as someone who can offer value.
We could go over techniques all day on how to build rapport as there are so many. Everyone has a different style and what works for them may not work for you. What is important though is that the more you get people to buy into you. The higher your closing ratio will be. You will lose fewer deals to competitors and ultimately achieve more success.

Here is an easy to do yet powerful-intuitive system 
that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills

 Remember to Close 

All of what is written above is excellent and sometimes these buyers will close themselves. Though what you must remember is you need to ask for the order. You have completed all the work necessary to earn the right to close. So make sure you ask for the business. People are very indecisive and want to make easy decisions, so make it easy for them. You make the decision they are going to buy. Just how, is all you need to know.

Here is an easy to do yet powerful-intuitive system 
that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills
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