The Three Biggest Challenges New Salespeople Face
New salespeople face a range of challenges in their career. Selling is like no other profession in that it requires outstanding people skills as well as the mastery of a great number of specific sales competencies and attitudes that are not generally found in other careers.
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For you sales veterans, please don't stop reading now, as I believe that many well established sales professionals often struggle with these same three challenges.
There are clearly more than three challenges that new salespeople must deal with on a daily basis, so why single out the following 3 as the most critical?
You can survive in a sales career without many of the others that are not mentioned here, but if you can't overcome or deal with these 3 your successful future career in sales maybe uncertain. Here are the 3.
1) The capacity to control your attitudes no matter what is going on around you.
2) The ability to manage your time and resources.
3) The ability to handle failure, rejection and discouragement.
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The capacity to control your attitudes no matter what is going on around you
In sales you will be bombarded daily with economic issues, customer challenges and organizational problems that will never go away. Sure, many of them will straighten out from time to time, while other new ones will surface.
But, you will soon discover that your success can't be subject to the ebb and flow of these external circumstances, most of which you have no control over.
What can you do? - Recognize that your success is ultimately in your hands and not the control of the government, your organization or your competitors.
- Accept the fact that a positive attitude is one of your greatest allies in a successful career.
- Don't ever give up control of your ability to be in command of your attitudes.
- Read self-help materials with a vengeance.
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The ability to manage your time and resources
The single common denominator with all salespeople whether they are just starting out or are making significant 6 figure incomes is - time.
People who fail and people who succeed all have the same 24 hours to work with. Some may have a better education, or a better computer but in the end everyone gets only 24 hours a day to use as they will. What can you do?
- While everyone else is still thinking about 'getting started'.
- Whatever time a task or activity takes, get in the habit of cutting the time you have available for it in half.
- Make focus, concentration your mantra. Don't let distractions and interruptions rule your day or your life.
- Spend ten percent of your time in planning and goal setting activities.
- Develop a ruthless attitude about self-evaluation of your activities and results.
- Keep asking yourself - why, why not, how could I be doing - anything - better.
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The ability to handle failure, rejection and discouragement
Failure and rejection come with the territory on a fairly routine basis in sales. No one is immune to a lost sale after a significant amount of time and resources were invested.
No one sells everyone all the time. The resiliency to overcome disappointment, rejection and yes, even failure, is a critical part of the successful salesperson's psyche. What can you do?
- Learn to learn from your failures. See failure as a stepping stone to being better.
- Spend routine time in self-evaluation
The rest is up to you. You can settle for being average or even second-rate or you can decide that your future is up to you and you are not going to let anyone or anything stop you, ever.
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