Ahente Santos

Monday, May 26, 2014

Stage 4 Cancer Jam Sebastian Fernando Full Story

YouTube viral tandem and real-life couple Jam Sebastian and Paolinne Michelle Liggayu, better known as Jamich, recently opened up about Sebastian’s ongoing battle with stage 4 lung cancer. 
Every time I feel pain , I'm always thinking all the happy moments when I met her and I always visualize someday, Mich will walk in the altar and we will have kids walking into the beach. 
—Sebastian said
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Sebastian and Paolinne Michelle Liggayu rose known as JAMICH making inspiration Videos about Love, relationship which has a great impact to have Good Values in life. Recently JAMICH Youtube Channel Reach 72million viewers overall.

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In another Instagram post, Sebastian already inform everyone that he is really undergoing fighting lung cancer in the next months . and he thanked his brother Yexel Sebastian for shouldering his medical expenses. Sebastian said he needs P20,000 daily for his treatment, which will last 4 months.

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We are very thankful that JAMICH Supporters really cares for what JAM is suffering from this moment , and we all know that this two couple has been inspiring us for all the video they created.

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Content Source: trendingnewsportal.blogspot.com/

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Sell Yourself Because People Buy People

 People Buy People 

      If you have been in sales for a while then I am sure you would have heard the phrase “people buy people.”   This is still the case probably even more so then ever and will probably always remain true. The world is moving and changing so fast that people have less and less time. This equates to needing to make quick decisions, if they are going to pursue your proposition or not.

Customers will constantly be evaluating your skills, nature as a person and can you deliver on what you say. Solutions are broadening and you may sometimes find yourself in a position, where your competitor’s product is better or cheaper. This does not mean that you have lost the sale because you cannot compete, actually far from it. It just means you need to be more convincing as a person. People buy people they don’t buy products.

Each sales situation is different and you must get creative to Win. Remember in sales there are no prizes for second, you either win the deal or take away your learning’s to improve for next time.

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 Build Relationships 

We need to build relationships because the better we get to know how someone operates. The better we can adjust to fit in to their personality. Sale’s is about constantly tweaking yourself to get in sync with your customer. People like people who are like them and interested in similar things. People also like to talk about themselves. So play this to your advantage ask questions and let them show you, who they are so you can adjust to suit.
In building relationships you will be told things that won’t be on offer to your competitor. If you can get to this stage you will find out things like what price is offered. Why they prefer your offer or what they don’t like about the other proposition. This insight is very powerful as you are now in the box seat and you have created a sponsor. Meaning you now have a prospect that wants to buy from you, for numerous reasons. Everything has changed now you are not seen as selling anymore, you are seen as someone who can offer value.
We could go over techniques all day on how to build rapport as there are so many. Everyone has a different style and what works for them may not work for you. What is important though is that the more you get people to buy into you. The higher your closing ratio will be. You will lose fewer deals to competitors and ultimately achieve more success.

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 Remember to Close 

All of what is written above is excellent and sometimes these buyers will close themselves. Though what you must remember is you need to ask for the order. You have completed all the work necessary to earn the right to close. So make sure you ask for the business. People are very indecisive and want to make easy decisions, so make it easy for them. You make the decision they are going to buy. Just how, is all you need to know.

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5 Tips for Managing your Time Effectively

 Here Are 5 Tips That Will Help 

You Better Use Your Time 

  Most sales people don’t realize how much more they can complete than they already are. The reality is top sales people are doing more than you every day. How is this possible you might say? Well its simple they are managing their time better than you. It is very important that we utilise our time to the best of our ability, as time is the only thing that has a limit.

"Lost time is never found again. We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right."

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 Realize that your time is yours 

        Realizing that your time is yours is important as this will help you to prioritize your duties. There are constant obstacles that are presented daily in your way and you must put yourself first. People will constantly want chunks of your time and if you give it away to easily you will be the one suffering.

     "Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a part of your life."- Michael LeBoeuf

   "Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever."- Samuel Smiles

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 Plan your time into segments 

You must section your time into segments.
If you are to plan your time correctly, you will be using it to its maximum capacity, as your day will now take on a purpose. Keeping a diary is one of the best ways that you can allocate time to yourself, to complete the required daily tasks and meetings.

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 Prioritise your tasks in importance 

You must prioritise your tasks by importance. An excellent way to do this is when you look at the tasks you have for the day. Prioritize them with the letter A for the most important tasks and so on for the things that are less important. Never do A B or C task before you have completed all of your A tasks. This will ensure you get the most important things completed first each day.

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 Focus on productive tasks 

You must focus your time on activities with the highest return. Our time is very limited and we can’t afford to waste it on efforts that don’t produce results. You must quickly and intelligently decide whether an activity is worth pursuing. Make sure you don’t get tempted by the many distractions that are around you. Remember as sales professionals we have set tasks like prospecting, presenting, closing and so on. These are the types of tasks you should concentrate on as a priority.

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 Complete tasks that must be done in the 9-5 space 

Many of our tasks can only be completed while either our own business resources are available or external business’s are operating. Most businesses are only open from 9-5 and any most of communication that needs to be made, must fit into these times. You must utilise this time while it is available to its fullest.
Utilise this time for interacting with your prospects and prospecting. Some of your tasks such as proposals can be done after hours, maximizing your time during business hours.

I hope that you are now realizing that you can improve your efficiency, quite easily through a few simple day to day rules. If you want to succeed in sales and climb the ladder, then these easy tips will help you manage your time like a pro!

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Curated Content From: SalesmanContent 
Source: http://www.thesalesman.com.au/content/5-tips-managing-your-time-effectively

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Putting in the Effort for Success:

 Here are Some Tips to Make Sure we 

Keep on Moving Forward 

 Life isn’t easy. There is no hard and fast way to become successful. We must persevere day in and day out to become a success. Constant progression is most important as we must continually increase our goals on a consistent basis. Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

  "Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown."

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 Get to Work Early & Stay Back Later 

    Getting to work before everyone will allow you to be fresh and ready for the day. You also get a chance to work uninterrupted. You will be amazed at what you can do without any interruptions. It is always a good idea to finish up your work thoroughly at the end of the day. This will allow you to set yourself up for the following day, so you can walk in and get straight into your day.
    "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."

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 Time Management 

        Managing your time in effective ways, allows you to be more productive. Our biggest asset in business is time and it is limited. So don’t waste your time on unimportant things. You must delegate your work when it is not necessary that you complete it. The most effective use of your time is on things that you must complete for a particular reason and are related to your role and pay grade.

    "Time itself can't be managed. It is constant and it always goes forward, never backwards. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. Therefore, if you are managing time, you are not trying to manipulate time, you are trying to make the best use of your time. An Ordinary people think merely of spending time, Great people think of using it."

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 Always Be Positive 

     We need to make sure we stay positive. When your mood is positive, you actually create opportunities which would never have been available. By remaining positive some of the tedious exercises we must complete, become much more enjoyable. Remember a positive outlook ensures a positive outcome.  

     "I became successful due to several reasons. I never gave up and I never let anyone or anything get in the way. I use the power of positive thinking to tackle obstacles and challenges so they don't defeat me." - Lillian Vernon

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 Create Goals 

     By creating goals we are much more likely to accomplish what we have set out to achieve. Write down your goals as this adds another element to what you would like to achieve. You will find a huge power in writing down your goals and will be amazed with the results. We must review them regularly, for maximum results. Goals are important as they give us something to work towards. They actually give us a purpose towards our actions.

     "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."- Henry David Thoreau

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 Look for additional value 

     In which ever task you are performing whether it is prospecting, creating a sales plan or analysing data. Make sure you are looking for additional value. You will be surprised by looking to add value at each step of your day at the amount of extra opportunity you can produce.
     We have so much opportunity sitting right in front of our eyes. It comes down to understanding how we can utilise it to its full extent.

The key benefits to a business of adding value includes:
  • Charging a higher price
  • Creating a point of difference from the competition
  • Protecting from competitors trying to steal customers by charging lower prices
  • Focusing a business more closely on its target market segment

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 Work with Passion 

     Having a real passion for everything you do really does make a difference. Whilst working with a passion for what it is you do, everything will seem effortless and customers will be more inclined to believe what you are telling them. People are constantly making judgments of the people they are dealing with. They are looking at your body language, tone of voice, what you are saying and much more. Just by being passionate you will give off a real ore. People will pick up on this and you will be amazed with the results.
     These are just a few tips there are so many little things we must focus on in sales, though by finely tuning your approach constantly you will succeed. Now hopefully armed with these few tips, you will excel to new great heights.

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  "Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks." 
Yo-Yo Ma

    The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion.

Here is an easy to do yet powerful-intuitive system 
that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.
Curated Content From: Salesman Source: http://www.thesalesman.com.au/content/putting-effort-success-0

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