Ahente Santos

Monday, June 23, 2014

Facing Up Business Difficulties

Facing Up Business Difficulties

The European Commission has created a website which provides some very useful advice and information for businesses facing difficulties at http://ec.europa.eu/sme2chance. Included on the site is a set of 7 Golden Rules for Successful Turnaround Management: 

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that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

Rule 1: Learn from your mistakes 

Look for ways of turning mistakes to your own advantage.

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that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

Rule 2: Act Early

Don’t let problems get worse - it’s easier to solve them at an early stage. Sorting out problems earlier cuts their cost to your business. 

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that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

Rule 3: Watch out for opportunities – don’t miss them 

 Keep looking ahead to keep in with a fighting chance. Focus on core problems. Forget the trimmings! 

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that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

Rule 4: The worst decision is no decision 

 Use the power of initiative. Don’t let others decide on your company’s future for you.

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that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

Rule 5: Keep talking…

to your creditors, business partners, employees and your family. You need their support. 

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that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

Rule 6: Check which rules apply to you 

Make sure you stay within the law. Blind hope and ignorance won’t protect you from legal consequences and could get your business shut down sooner than you thought.
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that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

Rule 7: Get professional help and advice 

 Turning a business around is a far greater challenge than everyday management. 
 Get support before you fail on your own. Don’t be guided by pride. 

Curated Content From http://www.odce.ie/Portals/0/EasyDNNNewsDocuments/453/Facing_up_to_Business_Difficulties.pdf
Here is an easy to do yet powerful-intuitive system 
that will help you improve your sales and salesmanship skills.

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